The NTN Whole School Model

The purpose of the New Tech Network Model is to enable schools to prepare each student for post secondary success with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to be ready for college and career. Schools use the NTN Model to support college and career ready outcomes through meaningful and equitable instruction, purposeful assessment, and a supportive and inclusive culture.
At New Tech Network, college and career readiness is defined by the New Tech Network Learning Outcomes, five research-based outcomes designed to allow teachers to support and assess students based on a holistic picture of their skills while meeting state academic requirements. Initially designed and grounded in the work of David Conley and Camille Farrington, with ongoing updates informed by the work of Tara Yosso and others, NTN found that when teachers define, scaffold, and assess learning in the five New Tech Network Learning Outcomes – Knowledge and Thinking, Oral Communication, Written Communication, Collaboration and Agency – students can acquire necessary readiness skills.

The New Tech Network Model Journey
At New Tech Network, we utilize a planning year to engage in a series of activities that allow for a successful implementation of the New Tech Network Model. We sequence a set of virtual check-ins, in-person learning experiences, and administrative tasks that allow the school to prepare for project-based learning, build adult culture, and redefine student learning outcomes.
Year One of implementation is designed around early learning targets in service of key experiences and growth in the NTN Focus Areas within your school’s context. You will be assigned an NTN coach to lead you through five onsite learning experiences (designed with you to support both your whole school team and your leadership team) as well as ongoing remote coaching for both school leaders and teachers.
Schools will identify during their planning year with their Director of District and School Success what their scope of implementation looks like. Schools might bring on one grade at a time, multiple departments at a time, or all staff at once in smaller schools. Most implementations are three to four years. Districts and schools might also choose to add-on services to build the capacity of coaches, leaders, and district staff.
Schools taking a whole school model approach also have the ability to engage in the following additional capacity building services in buildings or within their system.
Years 4+
Upon completing an implementation phase of the NTN Whole School Model, schools work with their coach to identify a customized plan to support sustainability efforts over the long term. These include our national events, NTAC and Leadership Summit, and coaching services such as Sustainability Coaching Suites. NTN’s goal is to work closely with district leaders, school principals, and classroom educators to co-design an approach to change that is specific to the context of school communities.
Ready to go deeper?
Schedule a discussion with New Tech Network to learn more
about the Whole School Model