NTN Learning Outcomes

The New Tech Network Learning Outcomes are five research-based outcomes designed to allow teachers to support and assess students based on a holistic picture of their skills while meeting state academic requirements.We believe that schools should prepare each student for post secondary success with the knowledge skills and mindsets to be ready for college and career. These foundational skills for future success are codified in five learning outcomes.
The New Tech Network Learning Outcomes are Knowledge and Thinking, Collaboration, Agency, Oral Communication, and Written Communication.
Knowledge and Thinking

involves a group and individual’s ability to contribute to group tasks.

is a students’ innate capacity to make decisions, set goals, and plan and carry out next steps based on ever increasing funds of knowledge.

Oral Communication
involves the ability to communicate knowledge and thinking orally.

Written Communication
is the ability to effectively communicate knowledge and thinking through writing by organizing and structuring ideas and using discipline appropriate language and convention

NTN Learning Outcomes in the Classroom
When teachers intentionally design, scaffold, and assess students in the NTN Learning Outcomes, students will be prepared for both college and career opportunities that follow their postsecondary experience. The NTN Learning Outcomes are an essential component of the project and problem-based learning curriculum and instruction model used by every NTN school. New Tech Network has created key tools and resources to aid in the implementation of NTN Learning Outcomes.
Design and Scaffold
- For teachers, the NTN project planning toolkit is a way to plan ahead which learning outcomes are relevant to a particular project and how they will be taught and ultimately assessed
- NTN also offers a Learning Outcomes Practices Card Set for a deeper dive into the outcomes and how to support them in the classroom.
- In order to support a deeper understanding of the NTN Learning Outcomes and how they are assessed, New Tech Network worked with SCALE, from Stanford University, to design NTN Learning Outcome Rubrics that can be used throughout the year.
- NTN's learning management platform, Echo, is designed to allow teachers the ability to provide feedback and support to students across each outcome.