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Year One

Year One of implementation is designed around early learning targets in service of key experiences and growth in the NTN Focus Areas within your school’s context. You will be assigned an NTN coach to lead you through five onsite learning experiences (designed with you to support both your whole school team and your leadership team) as well as ongoing remote coaching for both school leaders and teachers. The goal is that your school has early success implementing the NTN Model, builds habits upon which sustainable improvements efforts are built, and sees improved student outcomes. You will head into your second year of NTN Model implementation ready to refine best practices and tackle new challenges to take the work deeper!

Below is an example of what Year One might look like. Keep in mind that the leadership workshops and school workshops represent five days that you can co-design with your coach. They can include whole school or small group professional development, push ins to support PLCs, one on one classroom coaching, leadership team planning, among other options.

NTN New Schools Training (NST) is your second team induction event in your journey with New Tech Network. It is a 4-day event that takes place during the summer before your first year of New Tech Network Model implementation. During NST, your school’s first year implementation team will continue the learning from NTN Residency and prepare for implementation in the fall. You will fill your toolbox with a range of New Tech Network practices and protocols to support culture, instruction, and assessment! 

To support the training, we will use key tools and resources from the NTN Help and Learning Center, including New Tech Network’s Project Planning Toolkit, sample projects, and NTN Practices Cards. Throughout the event, you will have opportunities to do focused work with your school’s first year implementation team and opportunities to learn with other new schools and teachers across the country.

Facilitated by an NTN School Development Coach, Leadership Team Workshops can be a use of the five days of on-site support for your school. The goals of this time is to support the Leadership Team,  examine evidence of deeper learning and a supportive culture through learning walks, and map school goals aligned to the NTN School Success Rubric. Remote support prior to the workshop that prepares leadership teams for learning walk logistics and remote support after the workshop that allows leadership teams to assess school culture through analysis of the NTN Educator Culture Survey to further inform school goals. This focus is a great way to start and end the year. Commitment to all aspects of support for the Leadership Team Workshop are imperative as they set the stage for continued support, bridge learning between School Team Workshops, and establish cycles of inquiry for improvement. 

Facilitated by an NTN School Development Coach, School Team Workshops can be a use of the five days of on-site support for your school. Year one topics can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Embedding culture practices into daily learner centered agendas,
  • Deepening understanding of the NTN Learning Outcomes and learner-centered practices,
  • Analyze school data from the NTN Student Culture Survey to assess progress in building a strong culture and discuss next steps to further improve learning relationships,
  • Constructing shared understanding of prioritized outcomes, project benchmarks, quality PBL instruction, and performance-based task design, or
  • Establishing a shared understanding of quality scaffolding toward key project benchmarks that elevate and grow the knowledge, skills, and mindsets of all students.

Each year, every school receives 15 hours of remote coaching; teachers and leaders can connect with the coach about building culture, the practice of project based learning, design of projects and lessons, and any other areas of coach expertise. There is an option to purchase additional remote support for up to 40 hours.