Spotlight Schools

There is a place for everyone in the spotlight!

Apply to Become an NTN Spotlight School

We believe each school in our network, new as well as mature, has practices to share and learn. Our goal is to share these practices and evidence with educators and school leaders in our network, local communities, and across the nation. 


The Spotlight School application is an entry point to seek recognition in one or more of the New Tech Network Focus Areas.

The application process is designed to enable you to analyze and communicate information about your school practices. Submissions should be compiled by a school team of teachers, administrators, staff, and students. Upon submission of the application, the Spotlight School Review Team will be in contact with you about next steps.

If questions arise, please contact us at, or your NTN Coach.

Learn About Our Current Spotlight Schools

Congratulations to Previous Spotlight Schools!

Bulldog New Tech @ Brown Middle School

Compass Academy

George H. W. Bush New Tech Odessa

Leadership Prep School

Napa Junction Magnet

New Tech High @ Coppell

New Tech Institute High School

Pinckney New Tech High School

Tech Valley High School

Washington Discovery Academy