New Tech Network’s Coach Development Program (CDP) empowers district and school instructional coaches and leaders to build local coaching capacity to facilitate deeper learning experiences, including project-based learning (PBL) and problem-based learning (PrBL). Comprising two virtual year-long courses, CDP is a flexible, cost-effective, and adaptable coaching development solution tailored to districts’ unique needs and goals. By developing instructional leaders into learning leaders, CDP focuses on skill building for leading adult learning including skills for listening as a learning leader, agenda design and facilitation, and leveraging tools and resources to directly support deeper learning instruction.
Audience: District and school instructional coaches and leaders seeking to develop and/or enhance coaching skills and promote deeper learning experiences.
Coach Development Program 101
New Tech Network’s Coach Development Program 101 is an online year-long course designed for instructional coaches and teacher leaders that builds local capacity within a district or school to support teacher development in project-based and problem-based instruction. This one-year program is designed for instructional staff who support continuous adult learning and utilizes a monthly virtual workshop model as part of a national cohort which allows for shared learning and collaborative reflections on coaching practices. Learning targets focus on coaching skills, strategies, iterative learning, and mindsets while supporting facilitation of a project-based learning (PBL)/problem-based learning (PrBL) classroom environment. Year-long program. $900 + Content and Community License ($400)
Coach Development Program 201
Year-long program. $900 per participant + Content and Community License ($400) per participant

NTN Focus Areas Incorporated in Coach Development Program

Meaningful and Equitable Instruction

Supportive and Inclusive Culture

Purposeful Assessment
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